To get the latest info on upcoming events, please fill out our connect card!

Small Group Bible Studies

Over the summer, join one of these groups:

  • On campus

    • Mondays, May 26-July 22

    • 6-8pm

    • Mudd’s Sontag #205

    • Free dinner.  Contact Kate, 323-391-7289

  • Online

    • TBA

Info will be updated here and emailed out in our emails which you can subscribe to here.

Fall times and locations will be posted in August.

Our small group Bible studies meet throughout the week, every week, all over the 5C campuses. Our hope is to create a space for all students to investigate Jesus, study scripture, and build community with one another. You are welcome to attend any small group that works with your schedule.

Community Night Fellowship

Restarting in Fall 2024, details TBA in August

Join us for a weekly, fellowship-wide time of worship, teaching, testimonies, studying scripture, & more to develop disciples for Christ and strengthen the 5C Christian community.  

God Investigation Groups

You have lots of questions. God has gotten your attention, but you need to know more.

Our "God Investigation Groups" (GIGs) are a gathering for anyone who wants to explore questions about God, Jesus, and the Bible. You don’t need to know anything about the Bible, just be curious and open. GIGs are a time for students to be together, ask tough questions, and talk honestly about their beliefs. If you are interested in being part of a GIG, contact us here. Feel free to invite a friend!

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